
Summary of the 50+ working group and D&I generations network

When we processed the results, it emerged that Roche has countless working groups and employee initiatives that have already addressed many of the topics. Our report therefore contains structured lists of this information and resources to make them more accessible. Our thanks are due to all our colleagues who are involved in these employee initiatives for their valuable work.

The survey has established that flexible working is a subject of concern to many employees. But decisions on whether staff members can work partly from home, for example, largely depend on line managers. It seems clear that experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has already led to many changes. In any case there is already an internal Roche working group on the subject of flexible working, and its findings are included in our report.

The survey has also shown that employees aged 54 and above are interested in continuing to work after normal retirement age, as well as in concepts such as flex pooling. We have assembled a certain amount of information on this subject.

Career opportunities within Roche are another subject that is of interest to employees of all ages. It is of particular concern that diversity and inclusion must not just be empty slogans but also put into practice. Every employee must have opportunities for self-development. This also requires an understanding of what skills will be needed in future, and how each individual can contribute to a new, agile working environment. The survey found that there was still room for improvement in this area. Our report contains various links and information on this subject too.

We have established that there is currently no formalised process for knowledge transfer, which would appear to be a serious weakness. Countless proposals for improvement emerged from the survey, and we hope another working group will take up the subject – which is so important to employees and the employer alike.

The full report can be found under the following download.

Your 50+ Working Group and the Generations Network of the D&I

Written by
Simone Murielle Meier, Site Representatives for Kaiseraugst
Stephanie Agius, Site Representatives for Basel
Gioia Brentini, Lead D&I generations network